
"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is a classic tale by Lewis Carroll that has been adapted into various forms, including plays and movies. Below is a simplified, abridged version of the story in English, which you can use as a script or a guide for a performance. Please note that this is a creative adaptation and not a direct transcription of any specific published script.

Title: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland


  • Alice
  • The White Rabbit
  • The Cheshire Cat
  • The Duchess
  • The Cook
  • The March Hare
  • The Mad Hatter
  • The Caterpillar
  • The Queen of Hearts
  • The King of Hearts
  • The Knave of Hearts
  • The Mock Turtle
  • The Gryphon
  • Cards (Players)

Setting: Wonderland

Act 1

[Scene: Alice is sitting by a river, bored. She sees a White Rabbit with a pocket watch.]

Alice: (curious) Oh, my! A talking rabbit!

[Alice follows the rabbit down a rabbit hole.]

Act 2

[Scene: Wonderland. Alice is now in a strange world.]

Alice: (confused) Where am I?

[The White Rabbit appears.]

White Rabbit: (panicking) Oh dear, oh dear!

[Alice meets the Cheshire Cat.]

Cheshire Cat: (smiling) Where do you want to go?

Alice: (hopeful) I'm looking for the White Rabbit.

[The Cheshire Cat disappears, leaving only his grin.]

[Alice meets the Duchess and the Cook.]

Duchess: (motherly) Come, child, let's have tea.

Alice: (nervous) I think I'll pass.

[Alice meets the March Hare and the Mad Hatter at a tea party.]

March Hare: (excited) Have some tea!

Mad Hatter: (crazy) Never mind the time!

[Alice grows larger and smaller with the help of a mushroom.]

Act 3

[Scene: Alice meets the Caterpillar.]

Caterpillar: (mysterious) Who are you?

Alice: (confused) I'm Alice.

[Alice meets the Queen of Hearts at a croquet game.]

Queen of Hearts: (angry) Off with their heads!

[Alice is accused of being a thief by the Queen.]

Act 4

[Scene: The trial of the Knave of Hearts.]

Alice: (brave) I can prove his innocence!

[Alice confronts the Queen of Hearts.]

Queen of Hearts: (furious) You dare to contradict me?

Alice: (defiant) Yes, I dare!

[The trial turns into chaos.]

Act 5

[Scene: Alice wakes up.]

Alice: (surprised) Was it all a dream?

[Alice's sister wakes her up.]

Sister: (smiling) You've been asleep for a long time.

Alice: (reflecting) It was the most curious dream.

[Alice wonders about the strange creatures and adventures she had in Wonderland.]


This script is a creative adaptation designed to capture the essence of the story. Feel free to adjust the dialogue and scenes to suit your needs or the preferences of your audience.


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