
"Why dream of him?" in English can be translated as "Why did I dream of him?" or "Why did he appear in my dream?" The phrase "Why dream of him?" is not a common English expression, but it could be used in a poetic or metaphorical context to express confusion or curiosity about why someone might appear in one's dreams.

Dreams can be mysterious and often difficult to interpret, and many people have wondered why certain people or situations appear in their dreams. There is no one answer to why someone might dream of a particular person, as dreams can be influenced by a variety of factors, including our daily experiences, emotions, fears, and desires. Some people believe that dreams about specific individuals can represent aspects of the dreamer's own personality or can be a way for the brain to process and sort through memories and emotions related to that person. Others believe that dreams can be prophetic or can serve as a way for the subconscious to communicate messages to the conscious mind.


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