
"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is a classic story by Lewis Carroll, and there are many adaptations of the story into different formats, including stage plays and movies. Here is a brief excerpt from a stage play adaptation of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland":

[Alice is sitting by a river, bored, when she sees a White Rabbit with a pocket watch.]

ALICE: (curious) That's the most peculiar thing I've ever seen. A rabbit with a pocket watch!

[Alice follows the White Rabbit down a rabbit hole.]

ALICE: (to herself) I've never been this deep in a rabbit hole before. I wonder where it leads.

[Alice falls into a strange world.]

ALICE: (amazed) Oh my! This must be the place the White Rabbit was talking about.

[Alice meets the Cheshire Cat.]

ALICE: (politely) Excuse me, but could you tell me where I am?

CHEshire Cat: (smiling) Why, you're in Wonderland, my dear.

ALICE: (confused) Wonderland? But how did I get here?

CHEshire Cat: (mysteriously) That's a very good question. But the better question is, where do you want to go?

ALICE: (determined) I want to find the White Rabbit. He might be able to help me get home.

[Alice meets the Mad Hatter and the March Hare at a tea party.]

MAD Hatter: (excitedly) Oh, you're just in time for tea!

ALICE: (politely) Thank you, but I'm really in a hurry to find the White Rabbit.

MARCH Hare: (interrupting) But you haven't tried our tea! It's the best in all of Wonderland!

ALICE: (trying to be polite) Well, I suppose just a sip wouldn't hurt.

[Alice sips the tea and it grows larger.]

ALICE: (panicking) Oh dear, I'm getting bigger!

MAD Hatter: (laughing) That's the way it works, my dear.

[Alice runs away, still looking for the White Rabbit.]

ALICE: (determined) I will find that rabbit and get out of this strange place!

[Alice finally finds the White Rabbit.]

ALICE: (relieved) There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!

WHITE Rabbit: (surprised) Oh, hello there. I'm afraid I can't help you with that.

ALICE: (confused) What do you mean?

WHITE Rabbit: (smiling) You see, you're already home. You've been in Wonderland the whole time.

ALICE: (amazed) But I'm not dreaming, am I?

WHITE Rabbit: (mysteriously) That's for you to decide, my dear.

[Alice wakes up, back by the river, where she first saw the White Rabbit.]

ALICE: (smiling) I must have been dreaming. But it was the most wonderful dream I've ever had.

This is just a small part of the story and there are many variations depending on the adaptation.


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